Wybierz miasto:


  • International Trade and Business on the European Market
  • e-Politics and Public Relations in the Public Sphere

Are you passionate about politics, international relations, and making a positive impact on the world? Our Bachelor in Political Science offers specialized tracks to explore the dynamic field of political science and equip you with the skills necessary for a successful career.

Choose from our diverse range of specializations and immerse yourself in topics that align with your interests and career goals. Let's dive into the available specialization options:

  1. International Trade and Business on the European Market:

    In this specialization, you will gain a deep understanding of international trade policies, global business strategies, and the economic dynamics of the European market. Explore the intricacies of international trade agreements, regional integration, and cross-border business operations. Develop analytical and negotiation skills to thrive in the competitive global marketplace.

  2. e-Politics and Public Relations in the Public Sphere:

    This specialization focuses on the intersection of technology, politics, and public relations. Dive into the realm of e-politics, digital democracy, and the use of social media in political campaigns. Learn how public relations practices shape public opinion and influence policy-making processes. Acquire the skills to navigate the digital landscape and effectively engage with diverse stakeholders in the public sphere.

Throughout your studies, you will engage in stimulating coursework, lively discussions, and research projects that encourage critical thinking and analysis. Our experienced faculty members, renowned for their expertise in political science, will guide you through contemporary political issues and provide insights into the complex dynamics of the global political landscape.

As a graduate of our Bachelor in Political Science program, you will possess a comprehensive understanding of political systems, international relations, and policy-making processes. Whether you aspire to work in government, international organizations, advocacy groups, or the private sector, our program will prepare you for a wide range of career opportunities.

Join our community of aspiring political scientists, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and be part of shaping the future of global politics!


#PoliticalScience #InternationalTrade #EuropeanMarket #ePolitics #PublicRelations #FutureLeaders #AHEfamily

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