Wybierz miasto:


  • International Trade and Business
  • Security and Crisis Management

Are you ready to deepen your understanding of political systems, international relations, and tackle complex challenges in the field of political science? Our MA in Political Science program offers specialized tracks that will enhance your expertise and open doors to exciting career opportunities.

Choose from our two dynamic specializations:

  1. International Trade and Business:

    This specialization focuses on the intricate dynamics of international trade and business within the European market. Dive into the complexities of trade policies, global economic integration, and regional cooperation. Gain insights into the evolving landscape of international business, learn effective negotiation strategies, and develop a comprehensive understanding of the economic factors influencing trade on a global scale.

  2. Security and Crisis Management:

    In this specialization, you will explore the critical field of security and crisis management. Delve into the complexities of modern security challenges, such as terrorism, cyber threats, and geopolitical tensions. Acquire essential skills to analyze and respond to crises, develop crisis management strategies, and foster resilience in the face of emerging security threats. Gain the knowledge and expertise required to navigate the complex world of security policies, international relations, and conflict resolution.

Our program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of political science theories, research methodologies, and practical applications. Through engaging coursework, seminars, and research projects, you will develop critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills essential for success in the field.

Our esteemed faculty, with their extensive academic and professional backgrounds, will guide you through stimulating discussions, research endeavors, and real-world case studies. You will have the opportunity to engage with fellow students from diverse backgrounds, fostering an enriching learning environment and a global network of peers.

As a graduate of our MA in Political Science program, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to pursue various career paths in governmental organizations, international institutions, non-profit organizations, think tanks, and private sector companies operating in the global arena.

Take the next step in your political science journey and unlock your full potential with our MA in Political Science program. Join us and become a catalyst for change in the complex and ever-evolving world of politics.


#PoliticalScience #InternationalTrade #EuropeanMarket #Security #CrisisManagement #Leadership #GlobalAffairs #AHEfamily

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