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Dyplomy na Grafice! Diploma works at the Graphic faculty!
video clip: Timo Rinker

Dyplomanci / Graduates:

Monday, October 29,
Magisterski / Master
Monika Kwiatkowska
promotor / under the supervision of prof. Sławomir Iwański

Saturday, October 27,
Magisterski / Master
Konrad Ciężki
promotor / under the supervision of prof.Leokadia Bartoszko
Patrycja Biergiel
promotor / under the supervision of dr hab. Aleksandra Chrapowicka

Licencjat / Bachelor
Łukasz Muraszka
promotor / under the supervision of dr hab. Aleksandra Chrapowicka

Timo Rinker is a 3rd year bachelor student in Germany, studying media production and technology (B.E.) with a keen interest in music and film production. Currently he is taking part in the Erasmus+ program, working as an intern for the AHE where he is responsible for going to events, supporting different departments in media production and preparing content for social media involving video clips and designs/workart

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