Wybierz miasto:
Dodane przez mbielski -
Dr Daria Modrzejewska
Stopień naukowy

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź. Teacher, trainer with twenty years of experience in social pathology and prevention of risky behaviour in school environment.

The author of publications devoted to bullying, psychological violence and school prevention models.
An expert and researcher in european projects.


  • Youth Subcultures

Subject devoted to the analysis of youth subcultures in terms of sociology and psychology. We will focus on the phenomenon of destructive sects and discover the psychological mechanisms of toxic manipulation in destructive cults. We will work on a model of preventive actions that will enable effective coping with the situations of sects phishing.

  • Social Prevention

Subject devoted to the psychological analysis of selected risky behaviors (e.g.bullying, psychological violence, behavioral addictions). You will be also introduced to modern approaches of prevention (e.g positive prevention). During social prevention classes you will also have the opportunity to participate in study visits in Polish schools and work with pupils.

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